I am sorry i haven't been posting about my experiences however this week has been mostly trouble shooting. it is taking me a bit to get a handle on what albums i will need and things i may want to say during the day. this how ever has helped me realize just how much work goes into setting up and getting an AAC app to work properly. due to the fact i have spent this week trouble shooting i will be extending the testing period a whole week. so day one will officially start Monday. this should give me enough to to put the finishing touches on each album and maybe get some family members to help out with that.
i also finally have a working laptop. this has actually made editing and setting up tap to talk much easier. I highly suggest anyone who is looking into getting or has just gotten a taptotalk subscription that they get access to a computer for setting up the albums. while you can set them up via safari on your i pad and I phone it is not as efficient as a computer and it takes a lot more time. I should also note you can not access or use the taptotalk designer on your smart phone at this time this is something i hope that changes in the future especially since the app is available for non iphone smart phones. again sorry for the delay and thank you so much for your patients.
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